Great remastered, yet marred by Crysis 1 final battle game breaking bug.

User Rating: 9 | Crysis Remastered Trilogy NS

The trilogy of these three games is a must-play for any FPS fan. I played them many years before and I must say that the plot captivated me once more. The first one is still a little clunky, but the second and third games are flawless. The first one made me chop my score to 9, because there is a game breaking bug in the final stage of the game. I don't remember having it while I played it fifteen years ago on my PC, but I am disappointed because I truly love the franchise and i wanted to finish the trilogy once more. But it does not matter that much, the games are beautiful on my big screen TV, and now, if you want to, you can even play them in handheld mode.