This is...pretty cool!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dance Central X360
I've never been one to be a part of any dance games, I mean sure I've giving DDR(Dance Dance Revolution) a try here and there but nothing like this. I seen how much fun everyone was having with this game, online, and in person and I just couldn't help myself anymore so I gave it shot and went and bought it...and I'm really glad I did. This is a great game and it is so much fun, yeah of course it takes some practice to get used to it but once you do you'll be amazed by how much fun you will have with it. And this game comes packed with a ton of laughs and good times among your family and friends. The reason I put the difficulty as "Hard" because it really can be, but its just like any other game Harmonix has put out practice makes perfect and it really will.This game has a ton of room for great improvements and I am quite excited and curious to see where Harmonix takes it from here. I hope alot of people out there pick this game up and give a try and just see for yourselves how fun this game really is. I recommend this game.