A review from a player that was looking forward to the game....but was cautious after reading all of the reviews offered

User Rating: 9 | Dante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen PS3
First this game should have received a score much higher than 6.5. I understand that it borrows heavily from God of War but so do a lot of other action games. In my opinion the game lends some of its action to the Ninja Gaiden series as well. However, the setting, tone, weaponry, and story are what makes Dante's Inferno such a fun game to play.

The combos are great. Mixing in the Scythe attacks with the cross is really cool and you can make up some pretty imaginative combos. The upgrade system works well for each weapon and is further enhanced with all of the upgrades you can find and level up. The idea of different executions that lend either holy or unholy xp was a great touch and adds some good variety to combat and gameplay (especially when you run into characters you judge). Also you can get out of a combo with a dodge whenever you want. Gamespot said you couldn't and...yes...you can. The combat just looks great.

The graphics have a great artistic touch. The level design is superb. Personally I thought they were all well done except maybe the last two circles. This isn't to say that the graphics are bad. They are actually really well done.

You feel like you are in hell. The voice acting is fine unless you are really picky about it. The soundtrack, as far as I'm concerned, was well done.

Replay Value:
The game took me about 8-9 hours to beat the first time through on the normal difficulty. I plan to play in through at least one more time. Plus you have the unlocked Gates of Hell mode with 50 levels and the soon to be added Trails of St. Lucia which adds online co-op and a level creator. So all in all it has some good replay value to boot.

Reason to Play:
It's a trip through a well designed Hell with a dark but heroic protagonist wielding Death's scythe and a blessed cross. If you have any interest whatsoever in the Heaven vs. Hell mythology you must play this game. If you don't care about the mythology the action, RPG lite elements (upgrades and xp), and overall fun factor is enough to warrant this titles purchase.