Very good brutal beat em up game

User Rating: 9 | Dante's Inferno PSP
The game Dante's Inferno is a very good game almost as similar to the game of God of War but not so better.The game is eventually to be one of the greatest PSP (Playstation Portable) games ever.However the only thing bothers me is that why didn't it released on the PS2 (Playstation 2)though it was a very good game game.Even the graphics aren't much similar than to the X-BOX 360 and PS3 (Playstation 3) which make the game even more exciting its like your playing Dante's Inferno on a PS3 and X-BOX 360 "Portable".But still the game only beats God of War in its graphics (only).I bought the game a week after before it released.The much expected in this by me was much better.But still this game should get a rate of 9 the correct rate for it is 9.The game also has a great story line too.The game play is also good but not good as God of War.Where as the game is about the english in the european countries other than God of War which is an Greek legend.But I was still very pleased with this game.So yes its an awsome game :)