I slightly different take on the hack N slash games we know... but the fun factor is still great!

User Rating: 7.5 | Dante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen X360
The storyline is different and the weapons have changed but this is still the typical kill all enemies in fantastic ways type of game. However, the fun and excitement is still there and even slightly more so since you are actually in Hell instead of trying to avoid the place.

Dante needs to save his wife from a fate worse than death itself and travels through the layers of Hell to save her. Thats the basic story.

Dante first defeats Death to get his Scythe weapon and also have a cross to use as a projectile attack. These two weapons can be enhanced by obtaining orbs throughout the game. Each enhancement will make the game easier, especially the Cross. Once I improved it to a certain level, I was almost unbeatable. The Scythe was the main killing machine and you could even perform special kills to keep the theme of being gruesome. As you improve it, the attack combos and attack variations are vastly improved and easy to master.

As for the gameplay itself, there is not much new from other types of similar games but what makes this worth playing is the fact that you have to go through Hell and defeat Lucifer, which is a great concept. The action is intense and can drive you crazy at times with the different types of enemy encounters but once you figure out there weaknesses, the game becomes addictive. As you progress, Boss fights are wild and larger than life and even enemy traps are tough to overcome at first. But with a trial and error way of fighting and solving puzzles, the game gets easier as you go. Except for a few hidden relics, the game will have everything available to obtain so dont worry about not being able to find the "best of the best". Even the relics that are easy to find will be enough to overcome whatever the games throws at you.

The graphics are up to par with any game available now and the cut scenes are very detailed. This game is definitely worth playing just for the action factor alone. The storyline just makes it that much better.