Dante's Medieval vision of HELL

User Rating: 10 | Dante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen X360
If you have ever wondered what hell might look like, Dante's Inferno offers an incredibly vivid and detailed hypothesis. The game is based on the 14th-century Italian poem by Dante Alighieri, but Dante never could have imagined a hell this visually captivating. The walls themselves crawl with the bodies of the damned, other lost souls intermitently rain from the sky burning in torturous flames. In the distance, great columns of souls can be seen marching along monolithic causeways. The air is acrid with smoke and charred flesh, pierced by screams, fitful sparks and motes of ash. Each of the nine circles is here, along with the river Acheron and Limbo, and each setting is distinctive and fiendishly impressive. Through it all Virgil is your guide, just as in the poem, explicating the diabolic machinations of hell's machinery with insuperable aplomb.

The game play is fluid and satisfying, with Dante boasting an array of combos with either his scythe, stolen from Death himself, or his cross that Beatrice gave to him. There are a variety of trinkets to collect - from the 30 pieces of silver received in ramsom by Judas to dozens of relics that Dante can equip to enhance his abilities.

Dante attempts to rescue his lover Beatrice from the clutches of the Damned.along the way, Dante encounters many Lost Souls from various historical and mythological points in history,the player's interaction with these characters is not merely discourse, however, as Dante holds the power to either absolve these Lost Souls of the sins which condemned them to Hell, or hand down the ultimate Punishment instead. I consider this to be a brilliant mechanic that serves to immerse the player in a very personal manner, as it tends to compel the player to actually reflect on his/her own views of sin and punishment before deciding a Lost Soul's ultimate fate. Very well-executed.

I had very high hopes for this title, but it has far exceeded even those. This game is one of the best I have ever played.Do your self a favor and BUY DANTE'S INFERNO!!