It is and is not

User Rating: 9 | Dante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen PS3
Read the reviews, and all in all...this is fine good game. It is. Yes, it's a clone to the God of War play style, but the huge BUT is the fact that the story is different...more approachable.

Dante's Inferno is BASED ON a literature great, called the Divine Comedy. Like i wrote before...BASED ON. As a matter of fact, when the game ends, or during the game or on one of the special vids you get in the game, it shows game adaptation of the book The Divine Comedy. In other words, don't take the flamming game so darn seriously!! It's a GAME!.
I read somewhere that a University professor bashed on the game (i have repeated game again, cause am gonna fry it unto your's only a game), because it wrongly depicted women. If you play the game, actually Beatrice (Dante's love and main driver to go through this hellish journey) is the one that saves him....just like in the book, but with a different touch to it...that's it! I bet you a hundred bucks, this professor only played like 10 to 15 minutes of the game and got the conclusion on where they were going with this. So, so wrong. I already spoiled part of it, am not giving more in. You MUST play the game entirely and believe me you will enjoy it...can't wait for the second entry.

Graphics...for a 2009 or 2010 (can't remember) this game looks good. No problems here....did not like the design for Dante though....that cross stitched to his body is just absurd....but heck is game so who cares?! get and follow the know what's happening and what's gonna happen....yet, in the end it feels fresh!

Gameplay....if you like CONAN, BAYONETTA, God of War....all those games (action games), you will of course enjoy this one. They say clones, i say bring it!! if you don't like this kinda action games don't play them. Good button response. The only gripe, the plataform parts...they were kind of a trial and error. But nothing that takes away that much.

Setting....Absolutely great! i stopped on several occasions to look around and it was awesome. Repetitive? the same thing happens in all action games out there....just paint it with white instead of black and we'll go like "a new stage"...ja. Oh, and it's totally the opposite of what the GS reviewer said, the ending stages are really cool! about to go at it for a third try and i have yet to download the trials of st. lucia. Great replay...action action action.

In the end, i felt this game more down to earth than the obvious comparison (God of war). Kratos was an idiot, who was about to get his arse kicked by the barberian and begged the wrong god for help, which in order to make him the ultimate weapon, did the logical thing and tricked Kratos, he slayed his family and boom, we have 3 games and probably another one coming our way.
Dante is more of a man, who made a mistake. He cheated (something really familiar on this day and age). His head was already working him up because of that little miscue. He got home, wife dead, dad dead, everyone dead and you got a bad feelin' it's got to do with not telling the rest but as you can read, it's more about human nature, than just a revenge story.

Play the game, and forget about everything you may have read, heard or listened. You be the judge. This game now comes pretty cheap, BUY it!

Does the game plays out as God of War? YES. Will i remember God of War while playing the game? YES. In the end, will i feel i played a side story of God of War? NO.

This game deserves the sequel by now. Great game!