First seriously incorrect GS review I've read, unfortunately...

User Rating: 9.3 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Without exception (until now) I've completely agreed with every single GameSpot review I've read after playing a game.. But not this one... I find it difficult to understand how one can describe the combat in this particular game as 'quickly becoming repetitive', when in comparison to pretty much every game on the market today, it eclipses them all in terms of action, intensiveness and excitement... Even FPS's, for example.. you're just shooting and throwing grenades, but i don't hear anyone calling that 'repetitive', though of course it is (the very definition of bloody repetition)... Anyway
The graphics really help set the mood of this game, they're suitably dark, yet with sufficient detail to provide that immersion we all desire. This is supported by the well-done and appropriate ambient sound and sound effects. I particularly enjoyed the way this game made me think about each encounter before engaging, considering how best to quickly and efficiently dispatch each foe.

One thing the GS review was correct about were the current (frequent) crashes and glitches.. The sooner the patch is released the better. All I have to say is, Don't give up hope! This game will rule once it's all smoothed over.. *slaps developers for throwing it on the market before it was ready*

Seriously though, it's hard to critisize this game for it's combat. It can and almost definitely will keep you enthralled for quite some time. Enjoy...