Good game, highly under-rated, and fun to play!

User Rating: 5.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements X360
Might and Magic Elements - Jesrics Review

Bottom Line : M&M:E provides a great linear roleplaying story. While they game isn't the most stable, it's engaging story and fun battle system make it worth buying.

Storyline : I found the storyline for this game highly engrossing. You play as the apprentice of a powerful warrior. You can choose from one of four classes, all of which are pretty cool. The game is very linear, but in a fun way. It features the ability to do evil or good, through the game and the ending. While the endings don't differ much, the choice you get to make is pretty epic. Score - 8

Graphics : Sadly they are highly under-par. I play all games on a high def TV, and it still looked pretty horrible. Score - 3

Gameplay : The gameplay is very fun. The game features many different kinds of landscapes, and the enemies are always fun to kill. There are a decent amount of weapons for each class, and some are actually pretty badass. The spells are ok, but you also get abilities for each weapon type. (For example you can zoom in with the bow at later levels). Score - 7

Playability : Gets a bad score. While the game can be played more then once and choosing a different class may yield a different experience, the game is really only good enough to play once. Score - 4

8+3+7+4 = 22
22 / 4 = 5.5

Final Score - 5.5