can be good sometimes

User Rating: 5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements X360
When i first played the game i thought wow this is good but the only reason i thought that is because you can decapitate people so basically i was like yay head off, yay for ragdolls. but it has way too many annoying essences in the game which make the game less fun.

these are some of the problems, there is way too many appearances of the "rope bow", where you jump on the rope and all of a sudden you've just gone through a wall and is know out of the map and you your last save was way way back of that level which obviously annoying, another annoying appearances is when a physique object like a barrel or a wooden box starts to glitch and flings straight at you, and of course kills you as they do. plus the running is tiny bit iffy, when you running and stop holding the W key or pull down the left stick he keeps going for a little bit, which is annoying when your running to a ledge( if you do that for some odd reason ), there's so many more annoying and bad things to say but lets get to the good things about it.

so the good things are the so many fun ways of killing people, there is so many ways of killing people, here the list:

decapitate them.
kick them into spikes.
kick them off a cliff.
kick them in fire.
crush them with a trap.
burn them.
freeze them.
shock them.
impale them.
throw a knife at them.
shoot a arrow in there eye.
and many more.

and these ways of killing is satisfying, if your into the gore thing.

so i give a 5/10.