Mediocre sequel. Poor Combat System.

User Rating: 6 | Dark Souls II (Black Armor Edition) PS3

First off, I played Demon Souls and Dark Souls for 3 years. I was addicted. With the sequel, this game has lost it's spirit. It tries to be moody and dark, and it succeeds there, but they forgot the game. The controls and combat have been reworked and are a step backwards. Online matches are affected by this in a huge way. The slower, sluggish combat and poor locked on target tracking, ruin PvP entirely. Many players mash on the R1 button for a stun lock win. This is when the opponent receives successive hits and cannot move as a result. That's great for newbies and all, but it will get boring after a while. Boredom affects replay value and customer base. Also the lack of in game direction on where you should go, or what you should do next, will put off many from ever finishing the game. It almost beckons the player to read a strategy guide. Another really annoying part of the game is all of the ambushes that the director "believed" people wanted. It just gets ridiculous.