Gosh, this game!

User Rating: 9 | Dark Souls II X360

I had never played any Souls game before this game, which i bought on release date.

-Few spoilers ahead-

At first i was so nervous, and did not understand it completely. I ran to Majula (the hub) and just ran past the Emerald Herald (Level-up woman) and didn't run to the easiest starting area, but to a harder place. And i died alot of times, completely clueless, and i ended up ruining my character, cause i did never level up or anything, so i had to remake. When i remade i understood alot more, and did not meet any real problems in the beginning, except being stuck on the Pursuer for like 6 days, with over 70 tries.

-Few spoilers end-

This game was not what i expected. I heard it was super hard and terrifying, which it was, but it was SO rewarding and it sucked my life force out and made me a complete Dark Souls slave. The journey to Drangelic was amazing, yet so hard.

I give this a so deserving 9 cause i never loved a game so much, even the hundred times i wanted to delete this game, and throw shit all over my room, i can only embrace it. All the terrifying bosses that i hated so much, all the annoying mobs and the frikkin' poison spitting statues. I love it all.

Probably a very bad review cause i suck at dis.