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User Rating: 3 | DayZ (Standalone) PC

I've been quite interested in spending quality time with an engaging idea, DayZ. A good consumer does some bit of research and watching experienced players on Twitch reveals a badly flawed game where the core of the engagement, loot acquisition, is so broken and glitchy that anyone with some brain functioning would consider it ludicrous to spend their valued time and resources on the product. Considering that the dev team is adding features that appeal to a wider range of potential buyers before fixing the core of the game says their priorities need adjusting. Frankly, the lead idea person, the founder is bailing out at the end of the year for cause. All hope aside, it isn't that the idea hasn't spawned sufficient hope, indeed many millions+ have actually purchased the game. So it isn't from a lack of support across enough people to pay for the progress. But in clear consciousness, I can't recommend paying for an Alpha level game w/o understanding that you're going experience true frustration building a relationship with this game and that's not something I want to spend what little off-time I have with something that exacts such a high price to play. What DayZ needs is a project manager that understand customer service is more important than new twinkles in the game. Shoes wearing out...building cars - don't get me started about fuel degradation issues in "real life" should one find a running car - spawn rate issues and the politics of the lack of a clean leadership chain of command...likely from a poor understanding and experience with deploying a proven game platform...and let's not pile on too high about the actual game engine compared to Far Cry and other tier 1 experiences out there...and to be fair, it costs a LOT to bring a vision to market and DayZ has a hard time putting one foot in front of the other when it comes to the discipline needed to bring the product to fruition.