Very good, but needs some fixes before it can be near perfect!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | DC Universe Online PS3

Ok I've been playing since the release date, and I have to say this is the best comic book video game ever, not that the competition is all that great it's still the best! This game does alot of things right, from teaming up w/ other dc heroes and villians, as well as other players, to doing the different alerts, raids and arena matches, or just going out alone or in a group hunting down other players. Both cities are very large and entertaining!! Now for the not so good....First off when you start the game you don't get enough options to make your character, only 3 size choices (small, medium, n large) no slider to change their weight, or height. Not only that but the options you get to dress your character with are very limited. (Alot of the items you get before you reach lvl 30 should be available from the start of the game). The glitches and bugs need to be corrected A.S.A.P. this is what will make or break this game in the long run. Theres nothing more irritating than doing an alert or raid, and the game freezes or worse you go through the entire level and the boss door won't open!!! (Oolong Island) Also more powers should have been added, fire, ice, mental, gadgets, sorcery, and nature are the only choices you get (thought gadgets should be weapons, not powers, but oh well) they could've and should include more, like wind, water, and/or electricity. Lastly and this is probably the most irritating thing in my opinion, when your using your character, hero or villian, and you attempt any offensive movement you get stuck in this stupid stance for like 5 seconds, and theres nothing you can do about it. It also happens when your hit by someone, it takes away from the fun only for a moment but it gets very frustrating after a while. All in all if content is continued to be updated on a regular basis, and the bugs are fixed, this is worth the 15 bucks a month.