Confusing layouts, lack of everything and the FTP method, is more like an extended demo. Not to mention, tons of bugs.

User Rating: 4.5 | DC Universe Online PC
First off, I was initial impressed with DCU, however that quickly faded once I entered the watchtower for the first time, the entire area is unnecessarily confusing, I guess Sony was going for flash over functionality.

The character creation system isn't too bad, but at the same time it is difficult to create a viable character as some builds are awesome and others, are pretty terrible - take gadgets for instance, really great crowd control abilities *outside of raids/dungeons*, inside them they are heavily bugged and from what I can tell, these issues have never been fixed.

Confusing seems to be the common issue, alot of basic features like joining a party and leaving a party, not to mention finding friends in different 'phases' are all not explained and require the user to essentially figure them out for themselves.

Whilst the on-duty options are nice, they can be also a real pain when you get a slow loader or quitters. Another thing is that some missions are very unbalanced, even the supposedly 'solo' missions no matter how good you are or how powerful you are, you'll die a couple of times in them and on the reverse side, a really capable controller build can solo a lot of group only content, whilst others are forced to either skip, or beg for help.

Overall, the city maps are also lifeless, very easy just to jump and/or fly from one block to another and everything is scenery but feels very lifeless.

Another thing, I'm playing the free to play method, and I'm guessing the growing trend with these is that whilst the developers consider them, well at least you can play them for free, there is only so much you can do with them until you have to pay for a subscription, even the premium level is not really sufficient, so again, I'll label this FTP plan as a free extended demo of the game.