Fighting games just keep going down hill.

User Rating: 6 | Dead or Alive 5 PS3
Less then a month and this is in the bargain bin for $29. And it isn't worth it. Small cast of fighters first of all. And not much has changed from the original cast. The female fighters are still fun to use however and I suppose they have sex appeal.
They added a story mode to add a little depth to the game. It is more like an extended tutorial but at least they tried. The tag team battles are still OK and their is the usual survivor and time attack modes. see everything to offer in 30 minutes (The amount of time it took me to get 15 trophies.
The fighting stages are the worst in the series. Plus the grain to the game sux. Why is there a grain filter on the game? The graphics actually look worse than the last game and the stage destruction is bland. I expected more from Team Ninja.
Pretty obvious at this point that Team Ninja is NOT who they used to be. They have lost to many of their former employers including their colorful leader. The last three titles they touched (Metroid Other M and Ninja Gaiden 3) have all been disappointments. They had a good run but it looks to be over.
Dead or Alive added some meat to the bones but sadly the taste is not as good as it used to be.