Funniest game i've ever played

User Rating: 8 | Dead Rising X360
Very sad that i messed up with this game so late. I dreamed about it as soon as it was made. Capcom just can't hide their love for zombies.

So we have an apocalypse. We play as Frank West, photojournalist. He actually heared something big is happening in a Willamette City. So he decide to have a trip there and maybe have some photos of what's going on. We start in a chopper, flying to this city.

Dead Rising is a true non-stop action. While your main mission is to document everything that's could be interesting, your mission is to survive also. And here, in a zombie apocalypse, you have no rules of how to do it. A lot and i mean a lot of zombies will try to eat you alive. You can use almost everything to stop them. From car to teddy bear. Yeah, by the way there is a lot of humor in this game and less horror. Dead Rising could be very scary sometimes, but most of it you will laugh.
Controls are simple. Camera operates good. I think gameplay is superb! A lot of fun. 9/10

Great animation and detailising, but sometimes look kinda cartoon like. 9/10

Hmm... maybe voice acting is good, but gets broken sometimes. Not in a cutscenes, in gameplay, but maybe that's only mine opinion.. At all sound is great, big work on it. 9/10

So many stories about zombie apocalypse, so many movies games and etc. But here it is really interesting. You can discover how everything starts. Maybe you will get it stupid sometimes, but it's interesting enough. 8/10

A new genre maybe, the one and only game with it's action. Good graphics, sound. A lot of zombies and less game bugs.

No co-op. Stupid story (my opinion).

In the end i want to say that Dead Rising is a unique game. I never messed up with a game like this, it's not just killing zombies with a katana or chainsaw, which is very god damn funny. Play it and you'll know.