A fun game with a completely destroyed fourth wall, as expected. Expect out of nowhere things all the time.

User Rating: 7.5 | Deadpool PC
This game is obviously a very2 self aware game. It's fun from beginning to end and it offers cameos such as Wolverine, Rogue, Cable, Psylocke, and lady Death, the closest thing Wade Wilson have as a love interest in this game. The rest are all for eye candy.... sweet2 eye candy. Deadpool himself set it up to feature lots of boobies. Clever bastard!

The story is pretty simple: Deadpool got a script for the game and he starts his adventure, which he didn't follow at all from beginning to end. Great thing about the story is that most of the time Deadpool will do something out of place like pumping a giant bouncy castle or grab a bicycle, but they all play a part in the end that helps to advance the plot. I guess you can say he's a Chekhov's Gunman laying irrelevant things that in the end plays a role in story.

Nothing revolutionary gameplay wise. It's similar to X men Origins Wolverine but unlike that game which is only hack and slash, this game combines both hack and slash and third person shooter. To tell you the truth, it's pretty well done as both melee attacks and firearms are equally powerful, which I'm surprised that it can happen as usually firearms are weaker that swords like in DMC. You get a selection of 3 melee weapons, 4 ranged weapons and 4 throwable items that you can buy from the store, and each of them are fun to use. For both ranged and melee weapons, you can upgrade them if you kill enough enemies. I recommend the sword and shotgun because those are badass efficient killing machines. You can mix up melee attacks and ranged attacks to make Deadpool do some Gunkata acrobatics that's awesome.

As I said before, this game is very2 self aware of itself, and Deadpool himself talks to "Peter", apparently the developer from High moon studios when he sees something so out of place like an unfinished area that looks like an 8 bit Zelda game because Deadpool uses all the game's budget for boobs. There's even a part in game where Deadpool can slap the crap out of Wolverine. You can practically slap Logan forever and Deadpool will say ridiculous things like "WHY, WONT, YOU, WAKE, UP!" after each slap. It's so silly that it's great.

I got this game for $30 on Steam instead of the stores that's apparently $50 or $80 here in Australia. Finished it in 7 hours, so the length of the game is ok, and there's plenty of easter eggs to do that I haven't even do yet. For what it is, it's a fun self aware game that'll make you laugh.