It's everything you'd expect from the merc with the mouth and more cause its in 3D!

User Rating: 10 | Deadpool X360
It's everything that is deadpool. It's got raunchy humor, foul language and a sick sense of humor like most deadpool fans have come to love. If this is just a video game to you don't bother playing, but if your a deadpool fan you'll love it. Graphics are awesome the game is hilarious and disturbing all at the same time. I fell in love right away but it seems like hardcore gamers can't relate. The expect some kinda of 3rd person call of duty or something, not sure, but it seems they want serious and that's not deadpool, so get over it and stop staring at his ass. What more can I say it's a game about a guy with super powers who's mentally disturbed and retarded. All he ever thinks about is getting laid and the voices in his head make that apparent. Just. Lighten up Francis. Remember it's not serious when you play it and try to crack a smile now and then. You'll love it.