Deadpool starts out great, but just lacks substance to make it a great super hero game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Deadpool PC
The Good: It's freaking Deadpool in his own game, lots of upgrades, funny cut scenes, the non-combat parts are highly entertaining

The Bad: Humor becomes bland half-way through, combat is extremely repetitious and lacks depth, no matter how many upgrades you buy you still feel weak, graphics are average, story is watered down and pointless

These super hero games and movies are just coming out left and right. Sure, the quality has gone way up over time, but Marvel's side of the games department has been floating around average for the last decade. Deadpool is one of those weird comic characters that has a huge fan base, yet another large amount of people who hate him. I've always liked Marvel's more lax approach to adult oriented comic content. Deadpool curses, makes penis jokes, motorboats breasts, and is just a seriously goofy character. You won't find that in a DC comic. The game itself is just average, it starts out great but falls downhill pretty fast. This is expected of High Moon Studios who got famous for their Transformers games. Those as well were just lacking more passion.
There's really not much of a story here. Deadpool is bored so he calls up a guy to make a video game about him, it's the one you're playing and he breaks the 4th wall constantly. It's great humor and is a lot of fun, but the overlying plot is watered down and boring. Deadpool is trying to stop Sinister from creating an army of clones, big whoop. On the way you meet The Marauders (Arclight, Vertigo, and Blockbuster) as well as a few of the X-Men. Wolverine makes an appearance as well as Rogue, but they are pretty much useless. Cable fights alongside you for a while, but again, not really worth having him in there.

The combat is where super hero games are supposed to shine and Deadpool needs more polish. The controls work well, there's a lot of upgrades and a small arsenal of melee and ranged weapons, but it's very repetitive and gets so boring towards the end. The problem lies in pacing. You will get a fun little scenario where you're on a turret, floating in an amusement ride shooting cardboard cut outs, or spinning prize wheels but these are so short and so spread apart that you beg for something different. It's just level after level of the same bad guys over and over again. No matter how many upgrades I bought I never felt powerful enough. I maxed out my hammers at the end of the game and it just did a bit more damage than the standard damage. What kind of crap is that? The guns are the same way. There are Momentum moves you can do that do massive damage, it varies with each weapon, but it takes so long to build up the meters. The combat just feels average in the end with button mashing the light and heavy attacks.
Every so often you will be forced into a stealth section, but it's broken or purposefully made that way. You can use your guns or your weapon. Some times the rest of the guys heard me and some times they didn't. The animations are funny and they are well done, but who cares if it's linked to monotonous combat. The other parts of the game where you walk around mingling with hot chicks in bikinis, slapping Wolverine in the face, using a giant robot foot as a rocket, spinning prize wheels, these are the fun parts. I can count them all on one hand. There aren't even that many cut scenes, it's just 80% combat. Even the humor starts to wear off after a while. Deadpool even makes fun of his own game by saying he doesn't have any new jokes. The slapstick humor and penis one-liners are funny during the first half of the game only.'s average. There's no unique art style like the Batman Arkham games. The PC just has better textures and slightly better lighting. High Moon really needs to get it in gear and stop pushing out these half-baked games of theirs. It's like there's no passion or it runs out half way through development. Deadpool is a fun weekend rental, but in the end it's forgettable and somehow shouldn't be.