An unfinished game

User Rating: 3 | Destiny: The Collection PS4
I was looking forward to this game and honestly I enjoyed it for a while, but not for long. Let me start off with my negative experiences. Even in the beginning a lot of the grenades and skills felt very useless. The cooldown on your special feels horribly long and on top of that it's very unimpactful in the battle. The same can be said about the grenades. The cooldown on them is fine, but their area-of-effect is very tiny and you will be happy if you can hit one enemy with it. Sometimes the weapons feel kinda off from eachother DPS-wise, but it's never perfect in any game, is it. It also feels like the close-ranged weapons are not really worth it because then you will die fast to the enemies. Half of the enemy types feel like just a fodder with dumb AI, meanwhile the other half looks like a powerhouse with a hint of mechanics. Like there were times when I couldn't even move out of cover because the enemies non-stop bombarded me with explosive attacks; I assume this is when the abilities at my disposal could help me turn the tides, but since they are barely impactful. And the bosses are just plain boring, shoot them while taking cover. The universe seems interesting, however the story does not. It's very short and barely anything is explained. Speaking of explanation the game does barely any of that. I had to constantly figure crucial informations out on my own or search it up. However there are some good things that I enjoyed in the game. The graphics are pretty decent compared to its age. The voice acting is good, but there aren't much of it sadly. The cinematics are well made, but then again, not many of that. And the music is amazing. There are still a few negatives and positives here and there for me, but I don't feel like they came up as often as these. If you can get the game for cheap then go for it, otherwise definitely not worth it.