Who would've thought that all games you destroy all aliens. Who knew we could destroy all humans. THQ made this happen!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Destroy All Humans! PS2
I saw the commercial and it looked so good. I bought it it was better. There is very little cutscenses but those are filled with comedy. First guy "Little grreen men in a flying saucer taking out half of the army" Second guy "Yes right of course, green not gray?" ". I was lauging for a while when I heard that. Crypto's desire to kill humnas also funny. The upgrading system in Destroy all humans is fair. The game people say is short but i think its a nice lenghtly game. The four weapons on land are great to use. The enemies have small comments when you hide or fight. When you die you get cloned with a diffrent name from Crypto 137, you die youre crypto 138. It is a decent game. After you beat it it's a type of game you play again when you're bored. So if you dont like this game pm me and tell me what you don't like and i will convince you to like that!!