Your an Alien !

User Rating: 10 | Destroy All Humans! PS2
Well this game is a Masterpieace. This game rockes my socks off. I love this game you can just go around killing humans. THis game has four guns. The zapomatic, anal probe, iron dentonater, and some kind of fire gun. You can also use your mind powers to read peoples mindes, pick them up, and alot of other stuff. There are like 7 levels. The missions are really fun. Some missions you fly your saucer some you have to holoblob people and other ones you just kill people. This is like a gta with aliens. Crypto aka the alien you play as is hilarous. This game is so fun you can blow peoples heads of and take there brains. This game has a lot of humor in it. I would recommed this to anyone who likes to blow up stuf and kill people and who likes to laugh. This game is really good. Destroy all Humans is set in the 50's so you will hear alot of talk about Russia and Eisenhower. In one level you can holobloob a hobo its really funny. The final boss is kind of a let down because you can beat it in like three tryes. Final thing go get this game now and DESTROY ALL HUMANS.