Destory All Humans Review For Xbox

User Rating: 8.5 | Destroy All Humans! XBOX
Destroy All Humans is about well....... you guessed it destroying all humans but that dosen't mean you'll end up killing off the world of humans because you are limited to the united states and specifically only about 7 states. It has somewhat of a sandbox style gameplay to it but really have to load each setting when you want to go somewhere else. It takes place in the 1950's and when a UFO crashes into a bomb testing site Crypto must then go on a mission to take DNA from the humans heads to bring to the Furon planet.

Story: This game has a very good story and the aliens are extremely funny to listen to. It can be a little bit on the short side (6-8 hours).

Gameplay: You control Crypto who has 4 unique weapons to switch through and use. My favorite is the fire blaster gun. He can also use psychic powers to control humans, pick humans and cars up then throw them around, and extract DNA. The gamplay may not be the best but is extremely fun, especially when you get into your UFO which has 4 weapons also and can destroy entire.

Graphics: Destroy All Humans is capable of being played in HD 480p for the Xbox provided you have the right cables. It looks good but not amazing (Certainly better then what standard cables provide). Other than Crypto the characters don't look that good up close and there is alot of pop up of the city but you might not notice because your having so much fun.

Sound: The soundtrack fits the content and the era perfectly thus it works great. Other sounds like gun fire and explosions are good.

Lasting Appeal: Well there might not really be a reason to play it again other than to either enjoy the story, understand the story further, or just to run through it for the fun of it.

Overall: This game has alot of little extra's like a 5 minute short video and the full movie teenagers from outer space. It was loads of fun but may not have alot of staying power so it's definitely worth renting but you won't be disappointed by owning it either.