cool game if only it was longer

User Rating: 8 | Destroy All Humans! PS2
Destroy all humans is a great game where you can destroy pretty much whatever you want however you want from using a disintergrator ray to pulling peoples brains out of their heads to collect dna. The saucer is one of the best things about the game it lets you destroy all the buildings you want using awesome power to do it. The story to the game is good but it doesn't really matter about it cause you are just trying to find another alien then basically destroying all humans. The graphics are good too especially with the firing and blowing up of tanks and army vehicles.

The game does not last very long though only 8 hours long and I think it could have been so much better if it had gone on for longer. The combat is easy aswell you can destroy your enemies without them even getting a shot off at you but this is also cool cause you are after all an alien. I think if you like games where you dont have to always follow a story and do what your told and instead you just want to destroy humans then you should get this game. It good.