Slick HD quality for top notch slasher

User Rating: 9 | Devil May Cry HD Collection PS3
I been waiting ages for this game to come out and when I first started I got goosebumps lol

That said however I can't shake the feeling that if I played the first DMC for 2001 then I wouldn't be into the series in adjacent to the other DMC titles that are out now. It was on this game I experienced the flaws that the old games had and it is with that ground that this game isn't a perfect 10. That said though its thrilling to see how the DMC franchise got off the ground combined with the HD quality as well as the Xbox Live Achievements. If the developers had done the fixes to the old games then I would give this game the utmost praise with minimal complaints, but even so this is a great game to play

I'm a huge DMC fan and with classic games in great quality its fantastic to have the franchise back. The game was marked down a little for its HD inconsistency but in all fairness I didn't really pay attention to that, I was too busy slashing demons :)
