It never gest old... NEVER

User Rating: 9.2 | Diablo: Battle Chest PC
Diablo II was the first game I played in PC, and till today, it still has the charisma that engage me in the first time.
The game is fast and gory, some of the things that I appreciate the most.
But, above all, even other games, is the Plot... My god the plot!!! Is like a Death Black Metal song made game. Epic, a tale with swords and magic, and the very Hell himself.

The Good: The best plot in a game EVER. Archangels? Demons? and Paladins? Check!!!. Fast gameplay, gory theme, fulled with EVil and Cool stuff. Every time a play this game, I feel the Metal fury screaming in my veins. Great graphics for a 2D game, way better that some 3D pieces of crap. Online people that will continue to play the game for years and years, until Diablo III arrives. 7 characters with very much personality and ways to play.

The Bad: Music score is way repetitive and boring. The hack and slash will bore you in some days of playing (But you will return). To the individual attributes:

Gameplay: Fast, Gory, frantic, and above all inventive (for the time release) Special powers are cool to use, the enemies make some good fights, and some other way impossible.

Graphics: The best in a 2D game, the armors shine, and the evironments are creative (From the deserts, to the HELL PLAINS)

Sound: Errrg... The music score is boring, I wish the had pu some death metal in it. The sound effects are generic, but not bad.

Value: I've been playing this game since his release and I'm not tired at all. Even when I had some Brutal RPG games like Oblivion.

Tilt: Overall, my favorite game of all time, and I always recommend it to any gamer. Especial to the ones that not have a very powerful PC. The plot is the best in any game I've played (and I've played a lot of games) Every Action RPG gamer, or Metalhead should play this...