Revival of one of the greatest franchises in PC history on consoles?

User Rating: 9 | Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition PS4

When Blizzard released Diablo 3 on the pc, it was met with much criticism from fans. Server issues, loot issues, balance issues, etc. all hampered the perception people had of the game. Blizzard being the company they are, decided to fix these issues and port the game to consoles. Fast Forward over a year and here we are with the Ultimate Evil Edition of the game.

This game works so well on the PS4, with the PS4 controller, and the issues have all been ironed out to make for a compelling game that should be easily enjoyed by anyone who likes dungeon crawlers. The atmosphere in this game is amazing and the use of colors to make dull areas seem vibrant work amazingly well with this game. The pacing of the game, the challenging enemies, and the end game are all excellent in this release. I honestly can't think of a reason for people to not play this game, unless maybe you own it on another platform.

Basically, Diablo 3 does what it's predecessors did, but expanded on it and while it had a rough start, the game grew into something wonderful by the time this version was released. Do yourself a favor if you haven't played this, give it a shot and ignore the early issues because they have been fixed.