A complete and utter letdown, Diablo III is the worst blizzard game to date.

User Rating: 1 | Diablo III MAC
I could write an entire essay on why Diablo III isn't worth your money, but I'll try and keep it brief. Endgame: worthless, Blizzard wastes your time trying to get you to farm elite packs which often have completely broken affixes. Loot: more like gambling on a slot machine than actually looking for gear, the drop rates are so low. I've found 5 legendaries, they have all been worse than your average blue item. Auction House: In an effort to monetize D3, they've made an RMAH. Since you won't find any decent gear (the chances are astronomically low) you are forced to using the gold and/or RMAH. All in all, Diablo III is a perfect example of a company relying on their solid reputation as a game producer to completely rip off their fan base and make a buck. The good thing is, this game has essentially costed them their reputation so you can count on a lot of gamers boycotting future Blizzard games.