If you haven't played it, why not? BUY IT NOW!!!

User Rating: 10 | Diablo PC
If you're reading this, the chances are that you haven't played Diablo. If that is the case let me save you some time. BUY IT NOW! It's unarguably the greatest game ever, and, in a time when pc games seemed to be running out of ideas, diablo blew all the other games off the shelf. Outstanding gameplay, a revolutionary item database, fun and immersive quests, a great storyline, and very replayable (each time you start a new game, the game maps change at random, as well as alternate quests).

It's a medieval-esque rpg in which you (warrior/rogue/sorcerer) venture into the depths of the labyrinth in Tristram in an attempt to save the world from impending destruction after the release of the devil (diablo) into the mortal realm.

The game-play consists of point-and-click to move and attack, with keyboard shortcuts. Players may use melee weapons as well as ranged weapons, or spells - there is a great spell book for the player to choose from, ranging from damage spells, to teleportation.