The features in the game don't stop it from being old and withered.

User Rating: 6.5 | Diddy Kong Racing DS DS
Diddy Kong Racing DS is basically a remake of the original N64 version with some new additions, but they don't exactly keep the game from feeling old.

I will note the difference between this and the old N64 version. For further details check out my review on Diddy Kong Racing for the Nintendo 64.

Game design:
Characters: Rare licensed characters Banjo and Concker were removed (Since RARE no longer works with Nintendo) and replaced with Dixie Kong and Tiny Kong, with the addition of 2 extra secret characters.
Stages were slightly altered but otherwise play the same, the game also comes with online support.
A feature which may appeal to many is the ability to create your own tracks.
While this may sound exciting at first it isn't really special.
While you can draw the track it is very limited and you won't exactly be able to create anything special, because the tracks you create won't be any longer than the original tracks and you won't be able to draw any curves (Like summersaults or circle turns). Not only that space will be consumed and you won't even be able to customize the background. In fact playing through the original tracks is much more fun.

Game play: The game comes with a few DS functions, including using the stylus to rotate plane propellers or blow to turn on the boat's motors.
Button functions are pretty standard, you use A and B for acceleration and brake and the D-pad to turn and etc.

Sound: No changes, exact sound effects, music and voices used from the old game, difference being that the music quality isn't as good as the N64.

While the game does provide lots of challenges and has interesting features you won't be able to shake the feeling that the game is a bit too mediocre.
Creating your own track is a neat idea, but with great lack of resources it is pretty much something extra that you probably won't care about.
Some DS functions may feel a bit gimmicky but then again that depends on you.
If you are looking for a silly racing game similar to Mario Kart DS, you should check this game out.
If you played the N64 version you won't find anything here that will attract your attention or make you keep playing the game (Apart from online multiplayer), because it's pretty much the same as the old, with added gimmicky DS functions and features you absolutely won't care about.

There is nothing special about this game but I guess it might make for an interesting racing game for along the way. But the game gets old very quickly.