This could've been a better game if it weren't so repetitive and if there was more to it's multiplayer.

User Rating: 7.3 | Diddy Kong Racing N64
Diddy Kong Racing is not actually a bad game. It has a very unique gameplay in that you can play in a hovercraft, plane, or car and there are many diferent weapons to take down your opponets. You play as one of many characters each with their own ups and downs to go to different areas of the world to get through many races and then finally challenge the boss of the area. It's just that there are so many different races but they're all the same. You play through each level and win. Then you play through each level, win, and collect silver coins. Nothing special. Graphics are pretty good. The characters are well done and the levels are very good for one. Better than Mario Kart's graphics in my opinion. The sound of the levels is average. Again nothing special really just the ordinary. If you're wondering why I'm typing in such a boring tone it's because this game is fairly boring. It's not worth spending 50$ on or even $40. It's not a bad game but it really could be better with putting more into it's first player and adding something more creative to Diddy Kong Racing's multiplayer.