this needs to be posted somewhere

User Rating: 7 | Dishonored X360
Its a decent game. Stylistically I like it. The mix of Victorian age England and steam punk is pretty cool. Graphically the game looks good to me. Kinda the way an oil painting looks. The lighting is great too. Game play wise I appreciate the fact that they give an option to do whatever you want. I like all the side missions to do in case your bored, I like exploring for treasure, I like how you can hear all these side conversations. What I hate... Welll.... Everything else. Weird game play mechanics dont really seem to make much sense.... Like often I find myself being spotted when I'm not even sure how they saw me, or they'll look right at me in broad daylight and not seem to notice me. Rarely am I sure if they see me, or will see me. I don't like how they pretty much incentivize you to just kill them all and let god sort them out, and only use black magic. Its kinda lame when my only goal in the game is just to stealthily get through every level. I hate the stupid combat mechanic that makes getting in combat the most ridiculously easy thing ever. To where you might as well do it because its faster and more efficient. Why should I bother trying to find some complicated route and waste time sneaking when its much easier to run through every level leaving a trail of death and destruction behind me? That chaos meter? That just means more bodies to pile up. I hate the lack of character depth for everyone, basically this game wants you to accept every character of being that kind of character because **** you. Like corvo, he's an assassin roguish type because **** you player why do you need back story. I don't really find his character interesting, because he doesn't really have one. Seriously, if youre reading this, and thinking about how wrong I am, think how much of character depth Corvo actually has. None. Or that pompous prick that asks you to kill his brothers. He's a good guy, even though he asks you to kill his family because **** you. Hell even the empress. You care about the fact she was murdered in front of you because...... Well you get the point. A lot of the games story is revolved around "**** you that's why". Like there was not reason to actually kill the empress and kidnap her daughter. They kinda just threw that plot element at you. And the bad guys are bad because they for no reason plotted to kill the empress. Because that's politics, bitch? Idk they never give you any real reason why they did it. Im waiting for the entire rebellion to secretly be lead under corrupt leadership because that's how cliche this game is. And youre supposed to accept everything is happening because story. Wellll...yea. You are. Its the story. You don't argue with the story. Like there's really no point in anything about this game because the story was just so...under developed. To where there's just no point in it. Youre character is a silent protagonist WHICH IS FUCKING RETARDED. Stop trying to be bioshock already. Seriously just seems like they ripped a lot of things straight from bioshock, just changed the story around. Also speaking of character relationships,EMILY. Why the **** is she even in the game?? To humanize the mass murdering assassin who uses black magic, kills almost indiscriminately, and is so flat of a character it makes popular girls look like they have character depth? No... Because corvo literally doesn't have a character. Emily was just a useless plot element to make the character car about playing the story... When in all actuality you probably forgot about her at some point and they had to remind you. Youre forced to accept her as a daughter figure, again, because **** you kid. Like.... Maybe I don't actually care if I watch her get her fingers bit off by a rat. Just because you say I have to game doesn't mean I really do. The game kinda just throws this shit at you and says "wellll I think you can handle it from here... Do your thing and I'll sit back and watch as you realize the guard patterns are completely randomized everytime the game gets reloaded. Oh, and I know its only 9 missions long buuuttt the amount of restarting and waiting you'll do will add like another year to the game length, right? K guys, have fun. Dont call me if you need anything, that was quite literally all the tutorial you need... What did you think this game was hard?" All with the idea that you're too brain dead to realize that they cared more about making the game look pretty than actually having depth.