Almost there

User Rating: 7.5 | Dishonored PC
Dishonored is much to convoluted to be fun after a while. No map, runes and bone charms scattered around to make the player search and lose precious free time, limited range in power and distance for supernatural abilities and a boring ending. Don`t get me wrong, game play and story are well polished, but after a while you start ``walking in the old shoes`` of other games. I don`t care if my avatar speak or not, but the low - high chaos strategies fall short on logic. Not killing anyone to avoid bigger chaos is great in theory, but the majority of your enemies are corrupted to the heart and their demise will ease up the iron fist of leadership, from the former spymaster to admiral Havelock.
City Watch guards care only about beating up people, whiskey and cigars, while overseer are half crazed zealots trying to kill anyone they perceive as heretic and thugs are bad as default. Weepers are worse, since they are zombie like creatures and the miraculous healing at the end by the hands of Piero and Sokolov is just a narrative twist.
Dishonored is not a stealth game, despite his branding as such, because Corvo, the main character, doesn`t mingle or try to blend in (taking the clothes and masks from a fallen overseer, for example), he`s just a showcase of skills and magic. The magnitude of his task requires contacts and a team capable to support, at least indirectly, all his exploits. Fall back places, a change in his demeanor or aspect and a dozens other tricks of trade.
I give this game 7.5 because the devs got a good story and an interesting steam punk universe, but let themselves painted in a corner and used all the cliches of the genre