A much better version of Sacred 2

User Rating: 8 | Divinity II: Ego Draconis X360
***Revision - went from 9/10 to 8/10
Was a great game until I became a dragon. Then it just became a mess. Several missions were lost and the barriers they put throughout just made the game too much. Lost a lot of steam after that. Still a good game but discouraging for me.

I'm a huge fan of RPG's and free roaming and looting is an absolute blast. This game has a good mix of this plus more. The controls are different than the usual but once you get the hang of it (first half hour) it makes total sense. The combat is not easy so it will take a bit to come up with a system that you prefer. Once done though the combat is very satisfying. There is a lot going on so the learning curve is perfect for a RPG.
I would say this is like Sacred 2 in ways but with better questing and a much better camera. Lots to look at (not excellent graphics but good enough to satisfy) and tons of places to go. Almost everything is accessible and every item available has a purpose to the game.
You have to either sell the stuff you do not want or destroy it. You cannot drop items or leave them in chests, crates etc... which I like because it can get boring travelling back and forth to grab the right gear. It makes it more realistic in a game you are travelling miles to complete.
This game really is enjoyable and is a must have for the RPG fan.
There are a couple minor bugs in the game but NO WAY NEAR as bad as some reviews have mentioned. Just save under a new file and delete the old file each time and there will be no problems at all. It takes about ten seconds to do both combined so no big inconvenience at all.

All the positive reviews about the score, quests and gameplay are right on. Nice RPG to add to the collection.

I forgot too mention the levelling which is very cool as well. You pick a class but can use skills from other classes as well. There are hot keys so this allows for you to strategize in battle. There is also a pause which allows you to pick your next move. Works well for this game. Just be ready to use a ton of potions in the first few hours of the game.