Equal to dragon age?

User Rating: 8 | Divinity II: Ego Draconis PC
This game is great, tho its not been hyped at all, this game rox. Ive played dragon age/oblivion/two worlds/risen etc etc and this game imo equal to dragon age, cuz what dragon age lack in divinity makes up for. It makes u want more when u play it, jsut one more hour to see whats happend next, and then 20hrs went by and ur still wanting more. Its a good game. Worth buying and worth spending 30hrs+ on. New stuffs in this game is u can pick up limbs from corpses and make ur own "thing" that will help u defeat ur opponents. Got 5 skill trees mage/priest/warrior/archer/dragon knight. Easy to put skills and understand, if not, u can unlearn them, if u want new skills. AND u get ur own tower, wich u can hire blacksmith/alchemist/necromancer and trainer, necromancer makes ur creature when u get new limbs. U can also transform into a dragon, havent done that yet, since im off my 15hr straight run with it, completing most quests up to this point.