Potential it has but it isn't exploited at all.

User Rating: 7 | Divinity II: Ego Draconis PC
4 out of 5 players would most probably quit playing after the first few hours. The first hours don't awaken the interest because it is just like all the other RPG games out there, it has 3 classes and the normal skills like fireball and magic missile and so on... That what it makes it unique is the dragon form but by the time you find out about it you'll get bored. A good thing is the great number of side quests that have real good story and actually are of great importance because without them you will probably not advance with your character enough and won't stand a chance against the future foes that lie ahead. It has a relative big world but surprisingly it is used all up by the side quests which is a good thing. The battle engine is good it kind of reminds of the battle system of massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) but it can get tricky when there are more than two enemies.
The story itself is good but just if it is assisted by the side quests because it is the same as in fairy tales: the hero begins from zero he is trained to beat a bad guy, and that thing is shown quite early in the game.
In the end this game is mediocre and doesn't represent a must have just for the players who want to play as a dragon (the only unique feature of this game).