Another unexpected great action game

User Rating: 9 | DmC: Devil May Cry PS3

This is one of those games that I downloaded for free from PSN that I was not thinking on buying months ago. I decided to give it a try and the result was outstanding. What a game.

This is one of the best action game I have played in term of "action". The story telling is good enough to keep you interested on finishing the game.

This is the second DMC a played, the previous one was DMC4 in XBOX 360. For me, It is a major improvement over the predecessor. I have heard that DMC (the last one) does not beat the previous one, well, that statement is difficult to believe for the following reasons:

a) The way this game evolves is good. You will get several weapons through the game by an acceptable learning curve. Each weapon, beside of being great and fun and give several ways to kills demons, has a specific function in the game in order to past through.

b) You need to master the control to advance in the game. It is not just jump and fight. You have involved in a world that changes every time and you need to interchange weapons and way of jumping in order to open doors and avoiding to fall.

c) Cutscenes were very well done. Those reinforce the story even more. I liked it. However, could be longer.

d) Secret missions were fun. However,keys to enter are hard to find. I just could find 5 of 21.

e) Not frustrating at all. I beat the game in medium difficulty. It was challenging but not nor impossible to complete a mission. I died tens of time but I just bough several lives for those difficult boss and no problem.

f) The graphics are good (in PS3 perspective) considering the poor GPU into the PS4. Very dynamics environment behavior. Sound are very good though

Highly recommended, specially considering that it is free for Plus members.

PS: Game is not long. You can beat it in 12 hours (including few secret missions).

Thanks for reading.