A slightly odd soundtrack throws off an otherwise good rythm game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Donkey Konga GC
Rythm games on the Gamecube are incredibly rare and the idea of Donkey Konga is immediately exciting to players. The game come packaged with a new peripheral called the DK Bongos. Which have you drumming and clapping along to songs of different genres and such. The HUD is appropriate for a rythm game displaying everything needed in easy to spot places while not being distracting to the song itself. Song selection is varied but somewhat disappointing. There are some decent songs but others are extremely annoying or out of place. Difficulty ranges from easy to moderate and is never frustrating. Donkey Konga is a game easily enjoyed in multiplayer but falls short in single player like many rythm games. Despite all of this Donkey Konga brings a decent rythm game to the Gamecube and is a great party game and it should be a part of any musical gamer's library.