Good luck if you feel like trying

User Rating: 9 | Dota 2 PC

Dota 2 is a pretty hard strategy intensive game for a first timer and joining public games would just ruin the game for you as the community is pretty bad.

The good

-Most computers can play it, even if it's very old

-Great gameplay and tons of heroes to try from

-Free to play

-Does not require money to unlock heroes unlike LOL

-Strategy heavy and is balanced

-Matchmaking system keeps most beginners and pros separated

The bad

-The community. In some situations there are people who don't like losing and would blame it on anyone in the team when they lose

-Some events are focused too much on getting cosmetics like the recent wraith night event

-Very harsh on beginners, when trying the game I suggest reading guides or watching videos before going for public matches

So, in my opinion I love Dota 2 because I played the first when it release a few months ago so I know the basics, try it if you want to but I highly recommend it for those searching for a balanced skill required game, for beginners you might want to check out Purge's beginner guide "Welcome to Dota, you suck" or you can play the tutorial and practice with bots until you can manage to beat unfair bots. *Cheers and goodluck