Bioware has once again struck gold with this epic, captivating and enormous RPG...

User Rating: 9.5 | Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition) PC
I loved this game. It gives you customization, different classes and plenty of quest. I really enjoyed playing it. It had a good story line and really keep me interested. I will more than likely play it again soon. I also like the add on features you could buy. The graphics were pretty good. I like the idea of getting the characters to like you. I also liked having to figure out parts of the game. The marks on trees for example. One thing I would like to see more of is an option of becoming evil. I think it would be cool to have more options of having to chose a good or bad side.One thing I found to be frustrating was the loading time in between scenes. I found that while waiting to change areas it seemed to take a really long time. For the map I would love to see more areas to go to. Over all this was a really amazing game. The world this game is set in (Thedas) is rich, with many cultures, places, politics, religions, and history. You have the freedom to choose how you wish to carry yourself through the main story and often you get to see the consequences of your decisions.

The combat is sharp, without a lot of button mashing. You can set tactics for each of the members of your party( a total of 4 characters at a time) which determine how they approach combat, which enemies they choose to face, and any contingencies that may occur during a brawl.

There are a good deal of quests to occupy your time, some can be undertaken for money, and some are the result of gaining friendship with members of your party. There is also a friendship scale with each character that changes based upon actions you make while they are in the party, which can open new quests or affect the actions some of your party may take in a given situation.

In all, the game was captivating enough to merit 6-7 playthroughs for somewhere near 350 hours of playtime, which no game has enticed me to do, ever. Worth every penny.