Classic BioWare. Plays like a Diablo game but in a third person shooter aspect. Read my review for more depth.

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition) PC
So this game is absolutely a by definition BioWare game. You grow attached to your companions, you get immersed in the story, and you actually feel like your choices matter. Once the game is over you're brought back to reality and sad that the game ends! Luckily there's Dragon Age 2.

The game itself plays like a point and click and the combat feels almost turn based. If you zoom all the way out it's almost exactly like playing a Diablo game, with that BioWare touch of entertaining story that captivates you. If you are into RPGs this will definitely draw you in and impact you emotionally once you've played it, which in itself makes the game worth buying.

If you are thinking about getting Dragon Age 2 first, you should absolutely play this first in order to upload all the choices you made in Dragon Age: Origins and see them come to fruition in a seemingly entire other world. Altogether this is a masterpiece of a game and the only reason I gave it a 9 and not a 10 is because the combat system was annoying.