Great story and gameplay make for a great game.

User Rating: 9 | Dragon Age: Origins X360
Despite not being a fan of games that have to load every new area or games without the ability to freely roam the zones, DAO gives the players so much more to contend with. The story of the game is really well done. Plenty of political drama, deceit, and tons of evil creatures fill the world and keep the quests interesting. Adding in the fact that you travel with a group of NPCs that don't just fight with you, but interact with you, each other, and the people you talk with throughout the game give it a really nice touch and a new level of immersion for an RPG game.

The character development is nicely done. It's not very expansive but gives enough options to keep your characters fresh, especially for replay. The battles are fun, especially with a party of people that you have to micromanage, to an extent. This really makes the game stand out from others in the genre.