It's a must for any rpg gamer. Lush and detailed environments, good animation, just amazing...

User Rating: 9 | Drakensang: The Dark Eye PC
When i first got this, i thought, "well i'm going to try it but somehow reminds me a few rpg's i've tried before."

But as soon as i dedicated into it, at last a worthy rpg.
You see there's nothing quite new, but you'll be soon captivated to keep going forward as you start's with a slow pace but soon enough it changes.
Believe me!

A few buts, i wish there were more animal diversity, more character customization and some spells needed more colour effect.

It's a must for any rpg gamer.
Lush and detailed environments, people( if you just scroll your characters they look pretty human,dwarfish, elvish,lol) and not stale or clunky.

I think this game is being underrated, when there are some games that don't look this refined and wear off your computer...
Ps. I would love to see some cut scenes with action, ex: enemy attacks with fireball and main character blocks in a "pretty" way, then the battle starts. It's just a thought...