In my opinion this game was great and I don't get the hate this game gets

User Rating: 9 | Duke Nukem Forever PC
for years I've heard of this and you already know why. When I saw the reviews I was shocked, so I avoided it for several months. I sawed razorfist's and lgr reviews on the game, so I decided why not and buy it.

Story: let's be honest here story isn't that important in shooters with the exception of some. The writing is mostly shock and reference humor and most of it is pretty funny especially when duke says" power armor is for pussies". Duke is still the one liner bad ass he was. one thing I question about people criticizing duke's character, all I have to say is what were you critics expecting did you want duke to be a spikey hair teen with a giant sword or bald headed space marine 490. the story and writing is pretty good.

Graphics: now being a game developed for a decade you are gonna have to sacrifice some graphics. The graphics are good to decent on pc. the game is quite colorful surprisingly. Now it's not incredibly colorful, but it's more than just brown and grey. The levels,enemies, and weapons have great designs to them. Animations can be a bit off like mouth movement. But the game is on par with most modern games with great designs.

Sound: sound effects are nice , especially the guns a lot of them sound very powerful like the shotgun. I personally like the music it has some good tracks here and there. Some of them can be generic but the music is good. John st. john does an awesome job voice duke but he always has. sound is great.

Gameplay: The gameplay is a breath of fresh and quite varied. The shooting is great. Shooting feels good and is satisfying. now there is a weapon limit but you have an option to carry 4 which is what I recommend. There is regenerating health, but it's very helpful since the game is very challenging. there are some puzzles,platforming,turret sections, and vehicle sections and believe it or not they work unlike what reviewers will say. You can gain health by interacting with the environment like playing pinball and exercising which gives off a lot of variety in the gameplay. there is also multiplayer which is fun but needs some balance work. There is also duke's digs which you can view some nice stuff like some asian girl who makes shadow warrior references. Now the pc version is the version you should all play why? well it has shorter load times,better controls, 4 weapon limit, and less graphical glitches. The gameplay is just great.

I feel this game doesn't deserve the hate. now if you are expecting this to be amazing or a duke nukem 3d purist or easily offended you are not gonna like this, but if you want variety and don't care if it's good or bad you just want to play it then by all means buy it. It's a great game and I was pleasantly surprised.