A Bad But Fun Game

User Rating: 10 | Duke Nukem Forever PS3
Yes this game is not the best in terms of quality, but if you have a good sense of humor, this game is a blast to play. You will be rolling on the floor laughing and gasping for air. If you want a game that is just flat out hilarious, then get this game. You will not be disappointed. A great game to play with friends as well. Lots of funny quotes and such here and there in the game. The fact that you start off the game in the urinal, just adds to the game's wackiness. There isn't really a plot, but most of the time you will forget about that. Once you get into the game you have to struggle to remember exactly what you're supposed to be doing; You get used to this later on. Don't get this game though if you're expecting that serious hardcore first person shooter. If you want something that is entertaining, then get this game. It will seem bad at first, but I have to admit that the game grows on you. I don't know if I would compare it to the original Duke Nukem games, but I guess it holds up okay.