EA Sports MMA makes a good first impression with responsive,

User Rating: 8.5 | EA Sports MMA PS3
One of the best things about the training in EA Sports MMA is that after completing a challenge, you gain the option to just push a button and simulate it anytime you want to reap its benefits. You're graded when training, so simulating a challenge that you scored only a D on isn't as effective as simulating one that you scored an A on, but it's great that once you get that A there's no reason to do the same thing over and over again. Another neat feature of the Career mode is that after getting your first few fights out of the way, you can travel to different gyms and complete challenges to learn new moves. You can learn one additional move before each fight, and although there are more than 25 moves available, you're limited to 16, so figuring out which moves to learn and when adds a welcome element of strategy to the proceedings.