Pure Garbage

User Rating: 3 | Evolve PS4

So its pretty shameful this game is getting high scores from so many sites as it is one of the most half-assed pieces of garbage I have ever played. Im not even talking about the ridiculous and greedy DLC system set up for this game because that is just terrible, but the game itself. I might have been able to ignore the horrible DLC set up if the game itself was good and not just a huge cash grab. The game plays like a crap multiplayer stuck on to a single player campaign so the developers could say they included a multiplayer aspect with the game. But oh wait there is no single player just more of the same crap by yourself. The assault class of the hunters is the only real one worth playing as its the only one that does REAL damage to the monster and none of them are fun or unique the medic can only really heal players and give places for the other players to shoot at on the monster, but does NO REAL DAMAGE. I bought this game mainly because I thought the monster would be cool to play as and looked so badass. Unfortunately it wasn't you just run around and eat smaller monsters until you can grow and actually do real damage to the hunters and by then you are wondering why youre even still playing this shit. Just on another side note too where people are saying most of the DLC is skins and not a big deal, do you remember when choosing the color of your character was free and developers gave you options and let you be creative? Because thanks to games like this you will probably get to create a character in future games but pay for half the options. For example dont like that hair style on your character? pay $9.99 for a new fucking set of them! Welcome to the future this game is trash don't encourage these morons be smarter than I was and don't buy this game