While this game does not qualify for AAA its a good game either way. Revolutionary for racing games

User Rating: 9 | Excite Truck WII
Excite Truck "was" a launch title for Nintendo wii.

Excite Truck came from the original excite bike on the NES.

The Game has you put the wii remote sideways as the steering wheel and drive a truck trough a variety of courses with a lot of variety.
The Controls works really great once you get the hang of it, its easy to learn and you can try out a learning mode to get the hang of more andvaced features.
The game is different from a traditional racing game in so many ways, the main part of the game is not just racing to the finish line, but on the way you collect stars for performing jumps, truck smashes, tricks and driving through trees.

What drives this game down is because its so small, it wont last long, but the little time you played will be worth it

The game packs alot of adrenaline and drving action, packed with great controlls, makes for a great game, even though its too short.