A great little game to play every once in awhile.

User Rating: 8 | F-Zero GBA
I'd like to mention that this F-zero is by far the easiest F-zero i have ever played, but for me that is a good thing, becuse the other F-zero's were way to hard for my tastes. This is probably the best handheld F-zero out there, so if you like F-zero and you like handhelds then you will like F-zero: maximum velocity. The visuals are good enough. The controls are great, and the music is good if your into what F-zero usualy dishes-out. The game is just the right difficulty for my taste. The game isn't the longest game ever, but the last tracks definently aren't easy to beat, and will make you have to get pretty good before you see the final credits. the game realy dosen't have eny major knocks to it, but what is there isn't amazing, but it gets the job done and it gets the job done right.

Good:Nothing realy "wrong" with it.
Game is long enough to satisfy.
Controls are right on the mark.

Bad: not much above average.
Not extremely long.
not a very long draw distance, making is kinda hard to see when the next turn is coming up.